Is Shamanism still relevant today, too strong 4 woke ?

Shamanism still relevant ? In the ancient tapestry of human spirituality, shamanism stands as one of the oldest threads. Rooted in the belief that certain individuals can communicate with the spirit world, shamans are revered as healers, guides, and mediators between the physical and metaphysical realms. Their rituals often involve drumming, chanting, and trance-like states,

Is Shamanism still relevant today, too strong 4 woke ? Read More »

Amazing Crystals at ibis for healing, amazing Crystals at ibis

5 Theories with crystals for Healing and Soul Freedom

With crystals for healing we need to be aware that most of this is not established science, this progressive movement does not know everything right ? Recent studies suggest gut instinct trumps rationality so maybe there is something going on here that transcends the mainstream understanding of crystals. Limiting beliefs within many of these institutions

5 Theories with crystals for Healing and Soul Freedom Read More »

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