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Click Safe Policy at Ibis Reads easy as 123

Click Safe at Ibis.

This is an innovation unique to Ibis Reads to assure and protect our customers when they click outbound link on our site. All our links are curated and we don’t let in random advertiser’s or any out of house advertiser’s currently. We keep the heat right down so you can enjoy our site. When you click on a link for a product you are interested in we guarantee you will go to a good place. At present we only place affiliate links to Amazon or eBay. Ibis Reads may get a commission for this but the value you receive will not be impacted negatively. Usual you will benefit from a special deal so it is win win.

For instance we may place a link on a pic as below which would take you to Amazon. Alternatively we may place a link in some text often the title of a book that will take you to a place where you can buy it. We don’t do any crazy stuff locking your browser in or overwhelming you with pop ups. Our best practice scores are normally 95% – 100%. We may leave a note ‘click safe’ just to confirm you are still on a safe site. Things can get confusing online….

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Click safe Amazon 30 day trial

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