Crazy Rasputin and his Kinky Energy Cult (2 edged)

Rasputin was a bit of a rum lad with his kinky energy cult. When I was writing ‘The Encyclopedia of Cult Leaders (who didn’t quite make it)‘, he was just too much of a big hitter. He had the charisma, he had the credentials, the followers and the connections. He was so influential that the Russian Empire shot him because they thought he was destabilising their power.

Rasputins kinky energy cult
Rasputin did not like washing much chicks loved it

His Kinky Energy Cult

Rasputin’s beliefs and practices indeed had a controversial and complex relationship with sexuality. Grigori Rasputin, a Siberian mystic and self-proclaimed holy man, gained considerable influence in the late Russian Empire, particularly with the royal family due to his supposed healing abilities and his perceived closeness to Tsar Nicholas II and his wife, Alexandra.

Rasputin’s views on sexuality evolved over time, reflecting a blend of Siberian mysticism, Eastern Orthodox Christianity, and personal interpretations. Initially, he advocated for asceticism and the suppression of sexual desires as a means to spiritual enlightenment. He believed that by abstaining from sexual activity, one could conserve vital energy and achieve a closer connection with God.

However, as his influence grew, Rasputin’s views on sexuality became more libertine. He reportedly engaged in promiscuous behaviour himself, and some accounts suggest he encouraged others to do the same. This shift in attitude led to a perception among some of his followers that indulging in sexual activity, particularly with Rasputin himself, was a means of spiritual purification and enlightenment.

Rasputin’s contradictory stance on sexuality created a tumultuous environment within his inner circle and contributed to the controversies surrounding him. His reputation for debauchery and manipulation fuelled criticism from various quarters of Russian society, including members of the nobility, clergy, and political establishment.

Ultimately, Rasputin’s influence and the perceived threat he posed to the stability of the Russian Empire led to his assassination in 1916. However, the legacy of his beliefs and practices, including those related to sexuality, continued to fascinate scholars and historians long after his death.

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I hope you have enjoyed this short account of Rasputin and his kinky energy cult, I think you’ll agree he was indeed a bit of a rum lad. If you would like to find out more about the screw-ups and wannabes who wished they could be him check out my ‘Encyclopedia of Cult Leaders (who didn’t quite make it)‘. It is really quite lamentable. Maybe they lacked the charisma, maybe they lacked the bad guru skills to deal with a failed end of the world call, or maybe they were just too crazy.

encyclopedia of cult leaders who didn't quite make it

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